Disaster Guides

Disaster Guide

While making a plan may seem challenging, the Office of Emergency Management has worked hard to dispel any anxiety associated with the process. Check out our specific City of Ontario Disaster Guide, available in both English and Spanish. You can print these easy forms out and make a plan with a few people close to you, so everything is literally on the same page and know what to do in the event of an emergency. Print a copy for yourself, and email or print copies for everyone else in your group. Put your copy on the fridge - or somewhere else you won't forget.

Emergency Preparedness Guide - English

Emergency Preparedness Guide - Spanish

Talk it Out

First, discuss your emergency plan with your close circle of friends, relatives or immediate family. Then, write it down and share it with everyone. Now, everyone knows what to do in an emergency.

What does your plan need to include? 

  1. Pick a few of your closest friends and family. Who will you want to get in touch with if something happens?

  2. Pick an out of state contact. Who can serve as a focal point for information, if you can't reach others locally?

  3. Pick places to meet. Find a couple of places to meet - one close-by and another a little farther away. That way you have to go even if the closer one isn't reachable. 


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